Bionic Sight Technology
How it works
Normal Vision

In normal vision, light enters the retina through the photoreceptors. These cells convert the light into electrical signals and then pass them through the retina’s circuity to the ganglion cells (the retina's output cells). The ganglion cells then send the signals on to the brain. The brain uses these signals to create visual perceptions, such as perceptions of faces, objects, or the environment around you.
Degenerative Disease

When a person gets a retinal degenerative disease, the photoreceptors stop working, so no signals get transmitted to the ganglion cells. Without signals from these cells, the brain doesn't get any visual information, creating the condition of blindness.
Our Approach

Bionic Sight’s approach is to bypass the problem - that is, bypass the photoreceptors and go directly to the ganglion cells. If these cells can be reactivated, then they can go back to sending signals to the brain.
The approach involves two parts - a gene therapy, which is used to reactivate the ganglion cells so they can send signals again - and an external device to drive them to send signals that are meaningful - signals the brain can understand.